
Geertje Aalders

Geertje Aalders’ cut-out illustrations are true works of art. The longer you inspect them, the more you start to see. She provides illustrations for books, magazines, packaging and stationary. Often they are papercuts, though she also creates detailed illustrations in pen or oil paint. Since 2013 she regularly illustrates books for publishers. Her cover for the book ‘Arabische Sprookjes’ (Arabian Fairy Tales) was awarded the Libris Most Beautiful Book Cover 2017 and earned the Jenny Smelik Ibby Prize in 2018. The book has been published in America and Canada.

Het Papercutboek (The Papercut Book), an inspiring handbook on paper cutting art, was published in 2019. The book has also been published in Germany. Geertje previously made illustrations for various other books, including Mary Poppins, ‘Een Knipoog van Boeddha’ (A wink from buddha) and the award-winning ‘Arabian Fairy Tales’. Magazines such as Flow Magazine, Libelle and Happinez often showcase her unique work. Geertje’s intricate organic patterns are also used on wrapping paper and packaging.

Common motifs throughout Geertje’s illustrations are flowers, plants and insects, stemming from her great fondness of nature. Her projects are preceded by extensive research into the subject matter: an animal, season, nature park, theme or folk tale is rigorously explored and investigated. With all the collected information, Geertje then meticulously and painstakingly produces remarkably detailed illustrations.

© photo Henny van Belkom

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