
Sylvia van Ommen
Sylvia van Ommen studied illustration at the art academy in Zwolle, Netherlands. After graduating in 2001 her first book Drop(sweets/jellybeans) was published, shortly followed by De verrassing(the surprise). Drop won an award for best children’s book in 2003 and in that same year De verrassing was chosen on the longlist for the Gouden Uil (literary price). Both books are translated and published in several countries. Os and Jo, the characters in Drop, appeared again in the books Mindfulness en andere moderne ongemakken(mindfulness and other modern inconveniences) and in Een succesvol leven, we slepen ons er wel doorheen (a succesfull life, we drag ourselves through it).
Sylvia makes illustrations for (picture) books, interactive design and she writes. She likes to observe and picture the seemingly normal day to day life, discovering the humor and weirdness in small things. Animals in all sorts and sizes are often the main characters in her work. Besides individual projects and commissioned work she works together with Maurice van der Bij. They form the creative company ‘fruitcocktail’ and combine their work fields of illustrator and motion graphic designer in fresh original visuals.
© photo Maurice van der Bij