
Mylo Freeman
Mylo Freeman is Dutch/American and grew up in The Hague, Holland. She attended the art- academy in Amsterdam and majored in illustration and painting.
After graduating she spent several years in New York and had an exhibition with her work at the Drawing Center.
Returning to Holland she enjoyed a short career as a singer, after which she started illustrating again when her son David. was born. Her first book Potty! received the prize for best toddler book of the year right away.
Mylo made around 60 books up till now and the series of princess Arabella is one of her most wellknown books.There are 16 books about Arabella that are published in more than 10 countries. Also there’s an app, a series of dolls and a theatreplay around her character, all in all proving there is a serious demand for books with diversity.
With her books ‘On Ladies and bags’ and ‘On Ladies and jewelry ‘ she tries to reach a slightly older audience with a love for fashion.
In return these books inspired Mylo to do a series of large fashion illustrations, in
which experimenting with form and material gives her a great sense of fulfillment and freedom!
© photo Martijn Gijsbertsen